
Israel: Part IV
Author Headshot - Allen Stone
Allen Stone
February 10, 2020
1 min read

For thousands of years, Megiddo was one of the most contested cities in the Middle East. Rulers and kings vied for its strategic position along trade and travel routes, conquering, destroying, and rebuilding it time and time again.

Just outside the ruins on a windy hillside, creation continues its relentless march through time. Plants growing and flowers blooming in their season, undaunted by history or the happenings around them. We should take a page from their book. We often let our impatience rule our emotions and the seemingly faster progress of others derail the path God has us on. But the root of destruction lies in the seed of comparison.

The key is to stay rooted. To let the winds of life break upon our determination to remain. A plant blooming out of season will die. It’s the same with us. Don’t rob your victory season for a flash in the pan moment. Stay rooted. You can’t bloom otherwise.

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