
Israel: Part V
Author Headshot - Allen Stone
Allen Stone
February 10, 2020
1 min read

The Mount of Temptation overlooks a vast, desolate desert stretching from Jericho to Jerusalem. This is the “valley of the shadow of death” David wrote about in Psalm 23. It’s where a man was left for dead when a good Samaritan came along. It’s where Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. And it’s where His celebratory processional will take place when He returns.

This place is simultaneously merciless and magnificent. Brutal and breathtaking. Unforgiving and unforgettable. It’s a place of tension. How is it possible that stories and truths so encouraging can come from a place so forsaken?

I wish life wasn’t the same way. We know seasons of difficulty and pain are inevitable. But we mistakenly believe mountaintop victories will sustain us in the valleys. The truth is encouragement has to come in the darkness. When we’re up against the impossible. When our strength fails and hope is lost. That’s when the promise of hope will root itself deepest in our souls.

This is a place of promise. Promise that He is with us. Promise that He cares for us. Promise that His Word is sufficient. Promise that He’s returning and restoring all things. If you’re in a valley today, hope is near. If you’re headed into a valley, there is promise waiting for you. Fear no evil, for He is with you.

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